Upcoming Closures
- April 18th, 2025 Good Friday
Sign up for Fraud Notify! This is a free service that will alert you if a document is recorded in your name, a business name, or a UPI number. https://cambriacountypa-web.tylerhost.net/web
PLEASE VISIT https://cambriacountypa-web.tylerhost.net/web TO ACCESS THE CAMBRIA COUNTY RECORDER OF DEEDS ONLINE RECORDS. Documents recorded from 1986 to current. Print or download charge is $0.50 per page, a credit card fee applies. If you have a subscription and need to add copy money or would like to set up a subscription account please call the office. *Subscription not required to purchase copies.
HISTORICAL INDEX – www.searchiqs.com
Documents recorded from 1924 to 1985, The Historical Index is available online with no subscription fees, print or download charge applied at $0.50 per page.
- CSC 1-866-403-5272 https://www.cscglobal.com/cscglobal/home/
- INDECOMM GLOBAL SERVICES 1-877-272-5250 https://dmg.indecomm.net/Solutions/eRecording
- ePN (888) 325-3365 https://goepn.com/
- DOES THE RECORDER OF DEEDS OFFICE DO TITLE SEARCHES? No, we do not do title searches. You must contact a title abstractor or do the title search yourself.
- CAN YOU RECOMMEND A TITLE ABSTRACTOR, ATTORNEY OR SURVEYOR? No, we cannot recommend a certain business.
- DO YOU PREPARE DEEDS? No, we do not prepare deeds. You will need to contact a Real Estate Attorney.
- HOW LONG DO YOU KEEP DOCUMENTS AFTER RECORDING? We scan documents at the time of recording, if you walk in with your document we will hand it back to you, if you mail in your document it will be mailed out the next business day.
- HOW CAN I PAY FOR RECORDING? We accept cash, checks, and money orders for recording. Copies can be paid with cash, checks, or credit cards.
- CAN I REQUEST INFORMATION OVER THE PHONE? Yes, please call the office at (814) 472-1473 between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm.
- HOW FAR BACK TO YOUR RECORDS DATE? Our records date back to 1804.
- ARE YOUR DOCUMENTS AVAILABLE ONLINE? Yes, our documents are available online back to 1924, recorded documents from 1804 through 1923 are only available in the office.

Melissa Kimla, Recorder of Deeds
Erin Jansure, First Deputy
Jolene McIntosh-Myers, Second Deputy
Allaina Long, Recording Clerk
Abby Toth, Recording Clerk
George Elias, Solicitor
Cambria County Courthouse (1st floor)
200 South Center St.
Ebensburg, PA 15931
Phone: (814) 472-1473
Fax: (814) 472-1412
Email: mkimla@co.cambria.pa.us
Hours: Monday – Friday 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.
Recording Hours: Monday – Friday 9:00 A.M. to 3:30 P.M.
It is the mission of the Recorder’s Office and her staff to provide accurately-kept land records for public access and to assure knowledgeable, courteous assistance to those who utilize our services.
The Recorder of Deeds Office provides hands-on access to Cambria County’s land records. We record properly executed real estate documents and process them, collect recording fees and make them available for viewing. We also assist the public in finding information, and we provide services within the office to inform and assist lending institutions and attorneys’ offices. Additionally, this office collects Pennsylvania Realty Transfer Taxes and distributes them accordingly.
Services Provided
- Information on recording requirements
- Basic assistance and instruction on the use of office indexes and equipment
- Photocopies of office records and certifications of records
- Record military discharges and provide copies of those records to veterans without charge
- Handle mail requests for copies of our records