When the summons are received:
Jurors should fill out the summons, sign it and return it in the provided envelope to the Jury Selection Division Office listed above.
On the scheduled day to appear:
Jurors should report to the Cambria County Fairgrounds lot by 8:00 a.m. and will be bused to the Courthouse. Jurors who live in Ebensburg (or can ride in with someone) may report directly to the Courthouse where they will receive further instructions. If special accommodations are needed, please contact the office.
Jurors are paid $9.00 a day for the first 3 days of service plus $.17 a mile for driving. If service goes beyond 3 days, jurors are paid $25.00 a day plus $.17 a mile. State and Federal employees are exempt to daily reimbursement.
Bring a book, laptop etc. WiFi is not available in the Courthouse.
*Cambria County is not responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged items.
The courthouse cafe is open until 1:30 p.m. Jurors are provided a $5 packet to pay for the lunch. You may bring your own snacks. You may be permitted to go to a restaurant over the lunch hour (during certain selection times).
Cell Phones:
Permitted, but must be turned off in the courtrooms.
Bathroom Facilities:
Located at the Courthouse, but not at the fairground parking lot. Smoking -designated smoking areas outside the Courthouse are available.
If you are summoned and have any questions, call the office at: (814) 472-1501. All correspondence should be mailed to the address above.

Lisa Oyaski, Jury Commission Supervisor to the Courts/Law Librarian
200 South Center Street
Ebensburg, PA 15931
Phone: (814) 472-1501
Fax: (814) 472-8393
Email: loyaski@co.cambria.pa.us
If unable to speak with someone directly,
please leave a message