Cambria County is committed to honest budgeting, responsible spending and financial transparency. This portal is no longer functional since we are in the process of changing accounting systems. A new transparency page will be developed in early 2024 when the new system is functional.
Featured Questions:
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All Questions:
- What is the total Assessed Values on County Properties?
- How has the Assessed Value changed from 2011 to 2019 for:
- How many real estate properties are in the County?
- What 2015 checks are still outstanding and will be remitted to the Pennsylvania Treasury in early 2019?
- What 2016 checks are still outstanding and will be remitted to the Pennsylvania Treasury in early 2020?
- What 2017 checks are still outstanding and will be remitted to the Pennsylvania Treasury in early 2021?
- What 2018 checks are still outstanding and will be remitted to the Pennsylvania Treasury in early 2022?