Meet the 3rd Friday of every month at 8:00 a.m. at the YPCC, Ebensburg
The Cambria County Conservation & Recreation Authority (CCCRA) is a body of local government (incorporated under the Pennsylvania Municipalities Authority Act of 1945) by the Cambria County Commissioners in January of 1994. The purpose of the Authority is to establish recreational opportunities and assist with the cleanup of coal mining polluted rivers throughout Cambria County. The Authority works closely with and utilizes staff of the Cambria County Conservation District for technical assistance on projects. The Authority is made up of a board of fifteen (15) residents from all parts of the County who are appointed by the County Commissioners for staggered five-year terms. Staff consists of an Executive Director and Program Coordinator.
- Bear Rock Run Acid Mine Drainage Remediation
- Gray Run Acid Mine Drainage Remediation
- Sulfur Creek Acid Mine Drainage Remediation
- Webster Mine Remediation
- Glo Borough
- Barnes/Watkins Coal Refuse Pile Remediation
- Upper West Branch Susquehanna River Conservation Plan
- Mainline Trail Planning Study
- Path of Flood Trail
- Ghost Town Trail
- Candi Trail (and Ebensburg Extension)
- James Mayer Riverwalk Trail
- Rock Run Recreation Area
- Recreational Use of Area Reservoirs
- Cambria/Somerset Authority
- Lumber Heritage Region
- Susquehanna Greenway
- Conservation Recreation Authority

Clifford Kitner
Executive Director
Caytlin Lusk
Program Coordinator
Cambria County Conservation & Recreation Authority
Cambria County Human Services Building
401 Candlelight Drive, Suite 225
(814) 472-2110