Keith Rager was elected to the Cambria County commissioner’s office on November 7th 2023. He was sworn in
on January 2, 2024. During the Commissioners reorganization meeting Keith was named Vice President.
Keith’s family came from Tanneryville and lived in the West End before moving to Richland. A graduate of
Richland High School, he participated in football and wrestling. Six weeks after graduation, Keith began his
leadership journey by joining the United States Marine Corps, Paris Island. He served as a machine gunner
with the 6th fleet in the Mediterranean and participated in operation Fluid Drive. He was honorably
Upon returning to Cambria County, Keith enrolled at UPJ, began work at Richman Brothers. Keith met and
married a South Fork girl; Kery Frazer and they have been married more than forty years. He graduated with
a Business Accounting degree and began work on the dock of UPS.
During his 26-year career at UPS he was a manager, industrial engineer, supervisor, driver and dock worker.
He was selected, nationally, as a member of the original 12-member DAID team that implemented the hand-
held device and the start of GPS technology.
Keith enrolled at St. Francis University, Loretto PA and obtained his Masters degree in Human Resources and
Industrial Relations while managing the Johnstown office.
After leaving UPS he worked in California with the family business called Datamechanix doing Data Recovery
for Western Digital. He eventually returned to Cambria County to get licensed as a Life, Property and Causality
agent for Prudential and Liberty Mutual.
Keith is the founder and President of the Lucas Foundation, Inc. who’s mission is to provide compassionate
grief support and financial assistance to family’s who lose an infant at birth. Keith served as an adjunct
professor at Geneva College mentoring the next generation of business leaders. Keith’s family instilled the
values of public service and Commissioner Rager served on the Forest Hills School Board. He is a member of
the Lions Club, executive board member for Rally in the Valley and serves as a board member of the Greater
Johnstown Career and Technology Join Operating Committee. Keith attends Greater Johnstown Christian
Fellowship. Keith believes in fiercely protecting the sanctity of human life and giving a voice to those who do
not have a voice of their own. Keith is a staunch defender of the 2nd Amendment. Keith has 3 grown children
and 4 grandchildren.

Elected Official:
Keith Rager, Republican
200 South Center Street
Ebensburg, PA 15931
(814) 472-1600
(814) 472-6940